SDC-i is a software suite, written in Visual Basic, designed to help
assess the impact of statistical disclosure control on user analyses.
This Figure
illustrates the logic flow of the program suite . Each module in the suite
may be run in series or used stand-alone. All are made available subject
to the terms and conditions of the GNU General
Public License and the inclusion of the following acknowledgement
in any outputs:
"Analysis supported by use the SDC-i program suite, freely available
Create_Aggregates [Code]
Creates representative or stratified samples of input
areas, if required creating new zones through the aggregation of multiple
input areas. Requires a set of pre-adjustment counts as inputs.
Perturb [Code]
For a given set of pre-adjustment counts, creates post-adjustment
variants based on up to six pre-defined cell adjustment strategies (Random
rounding to base 5 or 3; Small Cell adjustment with or without independent
rounding of marginals; Barnardisation with probabilty of 0.2 or 0.04).
Also , if required, calculates pre- and post-adjustment percentages based
upon these counts.
SDC_Direct_Impacts [Code]
[Quick Start]
Compares a set of pre- and post-adjustment cell counts
from one or more tables and summarises the difference between them. Offers
a wide range of optional summary measures (tabular; cellular; ranking)
and methods of comparison (cell; table; cross-table; area; cross-area).